WAFF eFootball Workshop: A Pioneering Educational Step

The WAFF eFootball workshop, which will be organized by the West Asian Football Federation (WAFF) with the attendance of the Fédération International de Football Association (FIFA), is a pioneering educational step within the plans aimed at developing this sector in the region.
The first workshop of its kind will be held within the agenda of WAFF’s administrative programs and activities.
On the sidelines and in association with, the 3rd edition of the eWAFF Invitational will be hosted by Kuwait Football Association from 4 to 5 March 2022, with the participation of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Lebanon, which are on the list of approved member associations in the field of electronic football within FIFA.
The workshop aims to provide information related to eFootball in general and followed by insights to the different tournaments operated by FIFA, as well as its rules and regulations.
In addition to continuing to organize eWAFF Invitationals, WAFF was keen to hold this workshop, believing in its responsibility towards developing all football sectors in the region, thus expanding the base of the game in the region, and attracting more people interested in it.
Furthermore, the workshop includes and will be followed by the attendance of participants to the eWAFF Invitational event that will be held in Kuwait as part of its activities.
It is noteworthy that the third edition of the eWAFF Invitational will be held on the platform (PlayStation 5) only with a (2v2), face-to-face format (offline), after which the first and second editions were held remotely.
WAFF organized the first edition of the eWAFF Invitational in April 2021, when Saudi Arabia won its title, while UAE came in second, Kuwait in third and Qatar in fourth.
In the second edition, which was held in July 2021, Kuwait managed to win the title in its favor. Saudi Arabia came in second, while the UAE and Qatar teams were ranked 3rd and 4th respectively.